Canalside is a historic district within Buffalo, New York that was once the western terminus of the Erie Canal. Today, it has become a rich site of development, revival, and activity in Buffalo. The site includes the Commercial Slip, historically reconstructed Erie Canal and Main-Hamburg Canals.


Canalside is a historic district within Buffalo, New York that was once the western terminus of the Erie Canal. Today, it has become a rich site of development, revival, and activity in Buffalo. The site includes the Commercial Slip, historically reconstructed Erie Canal and Main-Hamburg Canals.
Canalside v Buffale je ideálne miesto pre tých, ktorí chcú stráviť deň pri vode. Nájdete tu množstvo aktivít ako vodné športy, jazda na bicykli po cyklotrase alebo len prechádzka popri kanáli. V okolí sú tiež rôzne reštaurácie a kaviarne, kde si môžete dať niečo na zahryznutie. V lete sa tu konajú koncerty a festivaly, takže je to skvelé miesto na zábavu s rodinou a priateľmi.