This picture taken on on September 8, 2016 shows the Canopy Walkway bridge, the longest canopy walk in Africa, in the Lekki Conservation Centre in Lagos..Traffic jams may clog the city and the beaches look like garbage dumps, but for the Lagos state government developing tourism is now a do or die matter. / AFP / STEFAN HEUNIS        (Photo credit should read STEFAN HEUNIS/AFP/Getty Images)

Centrum pre ochranu Lekki

This picture taken on on September 8, 2016 shows the Canopy Walkway bridge, the longest canopy walk in Africa, in the Lekki Conservation Centre in Lagos..Traffic jams may clog the city and the beaches look like garbage dumps, but for the Lagos state government developing tourism is now a do or die matter. / AFP / STEFAN HEUNIS        (Photo credit should read STEFAN HEUNIS/AFP/Getty Images)
Centrum pre ochranu Lekki je ideálnym miestom pre priaznivcov prírody v Lagose. Nachádza sa v srdci mesta a poskytuje útočište pre rôzne druhy živočíchov a rastlín. Prechádzka po lávkach vo vrcholoch stromov vám umožní vidieť krásnu prírodu z vtáčej perspektívy. Vstupné prispieva na zachovanie tohto nádherného miesta pre budúce generácie.