Jogyesa during Buddha's Birthday Fesitval.  Jogyesa is the headquarters of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism playing the defining role of Seon Buddhism in South Korea. The temple was first established in 1395, at the dawn of the Joseon Dynasty. Natural monument 9, an ancient white pine tree, is located within the temple grounds.


Jogyesa during Buddha's Birthday Fesitval.  Jogyesa is the headquarters of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism playing the defining role of Seon Buddhism in South Korea. The temple was first established in 1395, at the dawn of the Joseon Dynasty. Natural monument 9, an ancient white pine tree, is located within the temple grounds.
Jogyesa je jedným z najvýznamnejších budhistických chrámov v Soule. Tento chrám, postavený v roku 1395, je centrom kórejského budhizmu a každoročne sa tu konajú veľké slávnosti. Navštívte Jogyesa a užite si pokojnú atmosféru a krásne dekorácie, ktoré zahŕňajú mnoho farieb a kvetov. Tento chrám je skvelým miestom na meditáciu a získanie nových zážitkov a poznatkov o budhizme.