Beomeosa Seven Story Stone Pagoda is relatively recent addition to the temple and contains a Sari of the Buddha. It was moved to it present location in the 1980's. The four corners of the base of the pagoda are guarded by stone sculptures of the four heavenly kings.


Beomeosa Seven Story Stone Pagoda is relatively recent addition to the temple and contains a Sari of the Buddha. It was moved to it present location in the 1980's. The four corners of the base of the pagoda are guarded by stone sculptures of the four heavenly kings.
Beomeosa je budhistický chrám a jedna z najnavštevovanejších pamiatok v Pusane. Nachádza sa na svahoch hôr a ponúka nádherný výhľad na mesto. Chrám, obklopený prírodou, je ideálnym miestom na relaxáciu a meditáciu. Vstup je zdarma, ale návštevníci musia dodržiavať pravidlá. Navštívte Beomeosu a objavte pokoj a harmóniu v srdci Pusanu.